
mixpadmultitrackrecorder mixpadmultitrackrecorder mixpadmultitrackrecorder

Innovators like the Beatles, the Beach Boys' Brian Wilson and producer Phil Spector took advantage of multiple tracks, experimenting with the new sounds they could create. The 4-track recorder became common by the 1960s. Multitrack recording soon started to revolutionize the recording industry. Each track can be rerecorded or deleted without affecting the other tracks. This was the first multitrack recorder, which allows different "tracks" or channels of sound to record and playback synchronously (the vocals on one track, guitar on another, and so on). In 1954, Paul convinced a company that made recorders, Ampex, to build him a 3-track recorder. This was the case until musician and innovator Les Paul started experimenting with recording over himself so that he could play multiple parts in the same song.
