When commercial time clock software first made its appearance in the 1990s, businesses started moving away from mechanical and electrical time clocks that were subject to failure and expensive to replace or repair. Time cards also evolved to have special areas marked on them for clocking in and out, so workers had to carefully line up the time card in just the right place.

Time and attendance systems continued to advance with smaller electrical time clocks eventually replacing the large mechanical ones. This protected the business owner by making sure employees worked the number of hours they claimed, and protected employees by making it much more difficult for employers to cheat them out of their wages. This first time card gave the factory owner an actual record of the hours worked by each employee. This mechanical employee time clock would stamp day and time information on a thick paper card, hence the name 'time card'. When the first employee time clock was invented in the late 1800s, its purpose was to record the time an employee entered and left the factory.

This gave rise to the first time and attendance systems. Factory owners needed a way to keep track of worker hours. However, it wasn't long before the government stepped in to help improve factory conditions and regulate how many hours people were made to work, especially children. Factory owners loved child labor because it was cheap and unregulated. The work was often dangerous, unhealthy, and paid very little. Children often worked right alongside their parents when the family needed extra income. With the arrival of machine based manufacturing, entire families began moving from their rural farm homes to the cities to find work in the newly industrialized factories. Traditional family farms and small family run cottage industries produced goods in small quantities with lots of manual labor. New technological advances in the early 1800s ushered in sweeping changes for both manufacturing and transportation. The Industrial Revolution brought major changes to the economies of Europe and the United States.